Doing Asian American Theology Book Study Night 2

Jan 9, 2025


Jan 9, 2025

Zoom Meeting

"Asian American theology is a way to understand our engagement and experience of God and the gospel more deeply and holistically [in context] as Asian Americans…Asian American theology articulates how the gospel penetrates and permeates all of who we are for healing, transformation, and mission. The urgency of this task is not only for the Asian American Church…but also for the universal church that would benefit from all the gifts that Asian Americans bring.” (Dr. Daniel Lee, page 2)

Pastors Calvin and Cheryl will host a book study to engage with Dr. Daniel Lee’s thoughts and ideas in Doing Asian American Theology: A Contextual Framework for Faith and Practice.

Those who are interested should purchase the book at IV Press. or Amazon for the ebook. 

We will meet:

  • Thursday Jan. 9, 2025 7pm-8pm Zoom - Chapters 4-6
  • Sunday Feb. 9, 2025 after Worship In Person Lunch  Chapters 7-9

Join us as we prayerfully engage this material asking the Holy Spirit for wisdom and insight as we continue to live out our calling together as Christian Layman Church.Those who would like to “listen in” on the conversation are also welcome.  Email Pastor Cheryl so we can send you the zoom link or call 510-526-5855.