In 1968, Frank Sinatra recorded one of the most iconic songs in America, "I Did It My Way" demonstrating he wanted to do life his way! The children of Israel after only a few weeks of the Exodus were struggling with the idea of an "Invisible God." They experienced the 10 plagues, saw the miracles as they crossed the Red Sea, experienced the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire, but when God seemed silent, just like Sinatra's song, they wanted religion their way. They built the golden calf. God hurries Moses down from Mt. Sinai to tell the Israelites that they were a bunch of "stiff-necked people!"
Two of the hardest tests in our spiritual journey is the patience to wait for God’s moment and our faith not to be crushed when facing trials.
But as transformed people of God we must wait upon the Lord and not be a stiff necked people! And the first act of waiting, therefore, is prayer.
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